Mental Health Matters
Todd Weatherly, Therapeutic Consultant and mental health professional hosts #MentalHealthMatters. Interviewing doctors and therapists, treatment professionals, organizational leaders, and other members of the mental health community about the importance of mental health awareness, treatment and the future of addressing mental health in the US. Discussing how to support mental health in our communities from hospitals to the dinner table and what to do when crisis arises.
Mental Health Matters
Old New Kid on the Block
They aren't kids and they aren't new having just celebrated their 20th anniversary. CooperRiis is a residential mental health therapeutic community program in Western NC, but unlike anything we have in the region. They have just opened a new Partial Hospitalization (PHP) Outpatient Center here in Asheville and it's a program model of distinction compared to others nationwide. I talk with President & CEO Dr. Eric Levine about their new presence in our vibrant treatment community.