Mental Health Matters
Todd Weatherly, Therapeutic Consultant and mental health professional hosts #MentalHealthMatters. Interviewing doctors and therapists, treatment professionals, organizational leaders, and other members of the mental health community about the importance of mental health awareness, treatment and the future of addressing mental health in the US. Discussing how to support mental health in our communities from hospitals to the dinner table and what to do when crisis arises.
Mental Health Matters
Job as a baseline for health.
In this episode we sit down with Beth Lemmel, Founder and Owner of BestFit Employment Coaching. It can be terrifying and gut wrenching to get back out in the world of work after an interruption in your life or after leaving a bad job. Beth and I talk about the mental strategies she helps her clients use to overcome fear and past failures to re-conceive of work as something that can be life fulfilling. Check Beth out at Find a Job - Bestfitemploymentcoaching